ipTekk, LLC


Opening hours / Monday – Friday / 08:00 – 18:00

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Corporate Advisory Services

Corporate Advisory Services

As a patent attorney with solid technical and executive experience, provide recommendations to enable senior management to make informed decisions related to product development, risk management, market entry, and IP strategy.

Focus your R&D road map with market pull. Introduce market opportunities and B2B partnerships and networking for early deployment of your products. Help you to compete for government funds to offset R&D costs.

Accelerate innovation and identify fall back options. Accelerate commercialization of your patent portfolio through collaborations, and training of staff to develop a culture of innovation, IP harvesting, and entrepreneurship.

Examine your competitive space, strengths, and weaknesses, and provide strategic options. Recommend make/buy decision strategies.

ipTekk can assist small and medium sized companies with drafting general contracts, business plans, and fund raising initiatives, and advise senior management and the corporate board.

Patent Services
Corporate Advisory Services